
A TimThumb error has occured

The following error(s) occured:

  • Could not create the file cache directory.

Query String : src=http://www.kali.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/top10-menu.png&h=140&w=205&zc=1
TimThumb version : 2.8.13





根据研究www的权限是不够的 必须要0777权限才可以








由于timthumb默认设置中,出于安全考虑是不允许缓存外部地址图片的。因此我们打开timthumb缓存路径时会提示 “您可能无法从该网站获取的图像” 。



在timthumb.php中搜索  define (‘ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES’, false)









src : 需要进行图片缩放的源图片地址,或者是需要进行截图操作的网页地址

webshot : 如果此值为真则进行截图操作

w : 生成图片的宽度,如果宽度或高度只设置了一个值,则根据其中一个值进行等比缩放

h : 生成图片的高度,如果高度和宽度都没有指定,则默认为100*100

zc : 生成图片的缩放模式,可选值0, 1, 2, 3, 默认为1,每个值的不同之处可看下面文件的第100行注释

q : 生成图片的质量,默认90

a : 超出部分的裁剪位置,和缩放模式有关,可选值t, b, l, r, 默认为从顶部裁剪

f : 需要对生成后的图片使用一些过滤器的话,则在这里传不同过滤器的代码和值,具体操作方法可见下面文件的第821行注解

s : 是否对生产的图片进行锐化处理

cc : 生成图片的背景画布颜色

ct : 生成png图片时背景是否透明


define (\'VERSION\', \'2.8.10\');
if( file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . \'/timthumb-config.php\')){
if(! defined(\'DEBUG_ON\') ){
  define (\'DEBUG_ON\', false);
if(! defined(\'DEBUG_LEVEL\') ){
  define (\'DEBUG_LEVEL\', 1);
if(! defined(\'MEMORY_LIMIT\') ){
  define (\'MEMORY_LIMIT\', \'30M\');
if(! defined(\'BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS\') ){
  define (\'BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS\', false);
// 允许从外部获取<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>
if(! defined(\'ALLOW_EXTERNAL\') ){
  define (\'ALLOW_EXTERNAL\', TRUE);
if(! defined(\'ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES\') ){
  define (\'ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES\', false);
if(! defined(\'FILE_CACHE_ENABLED\') ){
  define (\'FILE_CACHE_ENABLED\', TRUE);
  define (\'FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS\', 86400);
if(! defined(\'FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE\') ){
  define (\'FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE\', 86400);
if(! defined(\'FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX\') ){
  define (\'FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX\', \'.timthumb.txt\');
if(! defined(\'FILE_CACHE_PREFIX\') ){
  define (\'FILE_CACHE_PREFIX\', \'timthumb\');
if(! defined(\'FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY\') ){
  define (\'FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY\', \'./cache\');
if(! defined(\'MAX_FILE_SIZE\') ){
  define (\'MAX_FILE_SIZE\', 10485760);
if(! defined(\'CURL_TIMEOUT\') ){
  define (\'CURL_TIMEOUT\', 20);
if(! defined(\'WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS\') ){
  define (\'WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS\', 3600);
if(! defined(\'BROWSER_CACHE_MAX_AGE\') ){
  define (\'BROWSER_CACHE_MAX_AGE\', 864000);
if(! defined(\'BROWSER_CACHE_DISABLE\') ){
  define (\'BROWSER_CACHE_DISABLE\', false);
if(! defined(\'MAX_WIDTH\') ){
  define (\'MAX_WIDTH\', 1500);
if(! defined(\'MAX_HEIGHT\') ){
  define (\'MAX_HEIGHT\', 1500);
if(! defined(\'NOT_FOUND_IMAGE\') ){
  define (\'NOT_FOUND_IMAGE\', \'\');
if(! defined(\'ERROR_IMAGE\') ){
  define (\'ERROR_IMAGE\', \'\');
if(! defined(\'PNG_IS_TRANSPARENT\') ){
if(! defined(\'DEFAULT_Q\') ){
  define (\'DEFAULT_Q\', 90);
//默认 缩放/裁剪 模式,0:根据传入的值进行缩放(不裁剪), 1:以最合适的比例裁剪和调整大小(裁剪), 2:按比例调整大小,并添加边框(裁剪),2:按比例调整大小,不添加边框(裁剪)
if(! defined(\'DEFAULT_ZC\') ){
  define (\'DEFAULT_ZC\', 1);
if(! defined(\'DEFAULT_F\') ){
  define (\'DEFAULT_F\', \'\');
if(! defined(\'DEFAULT_S\') ){
  define (\'DEFAULT_S\', 0);
if(! defined(\'DEFAULT_CC\') ){
  define (\'DEFAULT_CC\', \'ffffff\');
if(! defined(\'OPTIPNG_ENABLED\') ){
  define (\'OPTIPNG_ENABLED\', false);
if(! defined(\'OPTIPNG_PATH\') ){
  define (\'OPTIPNG_PATH\', \'/usr/bin/optipng\');
} //优先使用optipng,因为有更好的压缩比 
if(! defined(\'PNGCRUSH_ENABLED\') ){
  define (\'PNGCRUSH_ENABLED\', false);
if(! defined(\'PNGCRUSH_PATH\') ){
  define (\'PNGCRUSH_PATH\', \'/usr/bin/pngcrush\');
} //optipng不存在的话,使用pngcrush

 * * 以下是网站截图配置
 * 首先,网站截图需要root权限
 * Ubuntu 上使用网站截图的步骤:
 *  1.用这个命令安装Xvfb  sudo apt-get install subversion libqt4-webkit libqt4-dev g++ xvfb
 *  2.新建一个文件夹,并下载下面的源码
 *  3.用这个命令下载最新的CutyCapt  svn co https://cutycapt.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/cutycapt
 *  4.进入CutyCapt文件夹
 *  5.编译并安装CutyCapt
 *  6.尝试运行以下命令:  xvfb-run --server-args="-screen 0, 1024x768x24" CutyCapt --url="http://markmaunder.com/" --out=test.png
 *  7.如果生成了一个 test.php的<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>,证明一切正常,现在通过浏览器试试,访问下面的地址:http://yoursite.com/path/to/timthumb.php?src=http://markmaunder.com/&webshot=1
 * 需要注意的地方:
 *  1.第一次webshot加载时,需要数秒钟,之后加载就很快了
 * 高级用户:
 *  1.如果想提速大约25%,并且你了解linux,可以运行以下命令:
 *  nohup Xvfb :100 -ac -nolisten tcp -screen 0, 1024x768x24 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
 *  并设置 WEBSHOT_XVFB_RUNNING 的值为true
 * */
//测试的功能,如果设置此值为true, 并在查询字符串中加上webshot=1,会让脚本返回浏览器的截图,而不是获取图像
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_ENABLED\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_ENABLED\', false);
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_CUTYCAPT\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_CUTYCAPT\', \'/usr/local/bin/CutyCapt\');
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_XVFB\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_XVFB\', \'/usr/bin/xvfb-run\');
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_SCREEN_X\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_SCREEN_X\', \'1024\');
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_SCREEN_Y\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_SCREEN_Y\', \'768\');
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_COLOR_DEPTH\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_COLOR_DEPTH\', \'24\');	
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_IMAGE_FORMAT\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_IMAGE_FORMAT\', \'png\');
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_TIMEOUT\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_TIMEOUT\', \'20\');
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_USER_AGENT\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_USER_AGENT\', "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20110614 Firefox/3.6.18");
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_JAVASCRIPT_ON\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_JAVASCRIPT_ON\', true);
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_JAVA_ON\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_JAVA_ON\', false);
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_PLUGINS_ON\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_PLUGINS_ON\', true);
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_PROXY\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_PROXY\', \'\');	
if(! defined(\'WEBSHOT_XVFB_RUNNING\') ){
  define (\'WEBSHOT_XVFB_RUNNING\', false);
// 如果 ALLOW_EXTERNAL 的值为真 并且 ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES 的值为假,那么截图的<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>只能从下面这些数组中的域和子域进行
if(! isset($ALLOWED_SITES)){
  $ALLOWED_SITES = array (

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------- 配置结束 ------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------


class timthumb {
	protected $src = "";  //需要获取的<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>url
	protected $is404 = false;  //404错误码
	protected $docRoot = "";  //服务器文档根目录
	protected $lastURLError = false; //上一次请求外部url的错误信息
	protected $localImage = ""; //如果请求的url是本地<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>,则为本地<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>的地址
	protected $localImageMTime = 0;  //本地<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>的修改时间
	protected $url = false;  //用parse_url解析src后的数组
        protected $myHost = "";  //本机域名
	protected $isURL = false;  //是否为外部<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>地址
	protected $cachefile = \'\'; //缓存文件地址
	protected $errors = array();  //错误信息列表
	protected $toDeletes = array(); //析构函数中需要删除的资源列表
	protected $cacheDirectory = \'\'; //缓存地址
	protected $startTime = 0;  //开始时间
	protected $lastBenchTime = 0; //上一次debug完成的时间
	protected $cropTop = false;  //是否启用裁剪
	protected $salt = "";  //文件修改时间和inode连接的字符串的盐值
	protected $fileCacheVersion = 1; //文件缓存版本,当这个类升级或者被更改时,这个值应该改变,从而重新生成缓存
	protected $filePrependSecurityBlock = "<?php die(\'Execution denied!\'); //"; //缓存文件安全头,防止直接访问
	protected static $curlDataWritten = 0;  //将curl获取到的数据写入缓存文件的长度
	protected static $curlFH = false;  //curl请求成功后要将获取到的数据写到此文件内
	public static function start(){
	  	$tim = new timthumb();
		if(FILE_CACHE_ENABLED && $tim->tryServerCache()){
	public function __construct(){
	  	global $ALLOWED_SITES;
		$this->startTime = microtime(true);
		$this->debug(1, "Starting new request from " . $this->getIP() . " to " . $_SERVER[\'REQUEST_URI\']);
		$this->salt = @filemtime(__FILE__) . \'-\' . @fileinode(__FILE__);
		$this->debug(3, "Salt is: " . $this->salt);
		  	if(! is_dir(FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY)){
				if(! is_dir(FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY)){
					$this->error("Could not create the file cache directory.");
					return false;
			$this->cacheDirectory = FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY;
			if (!touch($this->cacheDirectory . \'/index.html\')) {
				$this->error("Could not create the index.html file - to fix this create an empty file named index.html file in the cache directory.");
		} else {
			$this->cacheDirectory = sys_get_temp_dir();
		$this->myHost = preg_replace(\'/^www\\./i\', \'\', $_SERVER[\'HTTP_HOST\']);
		$this->src = $this->param(\'src\');
		$this->url = parse_url($this->src);
		$this->src = preg_replace(\'/https?:\\/\\/(?:www\\.)?\' . $this->myHost . \'/i\', \'\', $this->src);
		if(strlen($this->src) <= 3){
			$this->error("No image specified");
			return false;
		if(BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS && array_key_exists(\'HTTP_REFERER\', $_SERVER) && (! preg_match(\'/^https?:\\/\\/(?:www\\.)?\' . $this->myHost . \'(?:$|\\/)/i\', $_SERVER[\'HTTP_REFERER\']))){
			//此base64编码的内容是一张显示 No Hotlinking的<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>
		  	$imgData = base64_decode("R0lGODlhUAAMAIAAAP8AAP///yH5BAAHAP8ALAAAAABQAAwAAAJpjI+py+0Po5y0OgAMjjv01YUZ\\nOGplhWXfNa6JCLnWkXplrcBmW+spbwvaVr/cDyg7IoFC2KbYVC2NQ5MQ4ZNao9Ynzjl9ScNYpneb\\nDULB3RP6JuPuaGfuuV4fumf8PuvqFyhYtjdoeFgAADs=");
			header(\'Content-Type: image/gif\');
			header(\'Content-Length: \' . sizeof($imgData));
			header(\'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0\');
			header("Pragma: no-cache");
			header(\'Expires: \' . gmdate (\'D, d M Y H:i:s\', time()));
			echo $imgData;
			return false;
		if(preg_match(\'/^https?:\\/\\/[^\\/]+/i\', $this->src)){
		  	$this->debug(2, "Is a request for an external URL: " . $this->src);
			$this->isURL = true;
		} else {
			$this->debug(2, "Is a request for an internal file: " . $this->src);
		if($this->isURL && (! ALLOW_EXTERNAL)){
			$this->error("You are not allowed to fetch images from an external website.");
			return false;
			  	$this->debug(2, "Fetching from all external sites is enabled.");
			} else {
			  	$this->debug(2, "Fetching only from selected external sites is enabled.");
				$allowed = false;
				foreach($ALLOWED_SITES as $site){
				  	if ((strtolower(substr($this->url[\'host\'],-strlen($site)-1)) === strtolower(".$site")) || (strtolower($this->url[\'host\'])===strtolower($site))) {
					  	$this->debug(3, "URL hostname {$this->url[\'host\']} matches $site so allowing.");
						$allowed = true;
				//如果没通过验证, 写错误信息并退出
				if(! $allowed){
					return $this->error("You may not fetch images from that site. To enable this site in timthumb, you can either add it to \\$ALLOWED_SITES and set ALLOW_EXTERNAL=true. Or you can set ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES=true, depending on your security needs.");
		$cachePrefix = ($this->isURL ? \'_ext_\' : \'_int_\');
		  	$arr = explode(\'&\', $_SERVER [\'QUERY_STRING\']);
			//生成缓存文件地址  缓存目录 + / + 缓存前缀 + $cachePrefix + 唯一散列值  + 缓存后缀
			$this->cachefile = $this->cacheDirectory . \'/\' . FILE_CACHE_PREFIX . $cachePrefix . md5($this->salt . implode(\'\', $arr) . $this->fileCacheVersion) . FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX;
		} else {
		  	$this->localImage = $this->getLocalImagePath($this->src);
			if(! $this->localImage){
			  	$this->debug(1, "Could not find the local image: {$this->localImage}");
				$this->error("Could not find the internal image you specified.");
				return false;
			$this->debug(1, "Local image path is {$this->localImage}");
			$this->localImageMTime = @filemtime($this->localImage);
			//生成缓存文件地址,  缓存目录 + / + 缓存前缀 + $cachePrefix + 唯一散列值 + 缓存后缀
			$this->cachefile = $this->cacheDirectory . \'/\' . FILE_CACHE_PREFIX . $cachePrefix . md5($this->salt . $this->localImageMTime . $_SERVER [\'QUERY_STRING\'] . $this->fileCacheVersion) . FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX;
		$this->debug(2, "Cache file is: " . $this->cachefile);
		return true;
	public function __destruct(){
		foreach($this->toDeletes as $del){
			$this->debug(2, "Deleting temp file $del");
	public function run(){
		  	if(! ALLOW_EXTERNAL){
			  	$this->debug(1, "Got a request for an external image but ALLOW_EXTERNAL is disabled so returning error msg.");
				$this->error("You are not allowed to fetch images from an external website.");
				return false;
			$this->debug(3, "Got request for external image. Starting serveExternalImage.");
				  	$this->debug(3, "webshot param is set, so we\'re going to take a webshot.");
				} else {
					$this->error("You added the webshot parameter but webshots are disabled on this server. You need to set WEBSHOT_ENABLED == true to enable webshots.");
			} else {
			  	$this->debug(3, "webshot is NOT set so we\'re going to try to fetch a regular image.");

		} else {
		  	$this->debug(3, "Got request for internal image. Starting serveInternalImage()");
		return true;
	protected function handleErrors(){
		  	if(NOT_FOUND_IMAGE && $this->is404()){
				} else {
					$this->error("Additionally, the 404 image that is configured could not be found or there was an error serving it.");
				} else {
					$this->error("Additionally, the error image that is configured could not be found or there was an error serving it.");
		return false;
	protected function tryBrowserCache(){
		  	$this->debug(3, "Browser caching is disabled"); return false; 
		if(!empty($_SERVER[\'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE\']) ){
		  	$this->debug(3, "Got a conditional get");
			$mtime = false;
			if(! is_file($this->cachefile)){
				return false;
			  	$mtime = $this->localImageMTime;
				$this->debug(3, "Local real file\'s modification time is $mtime");
			} else if(is_file($this->cachefile)){
			  	$mtime = @filemtime($this->cachefile);
				$this->debug(3, "Cached file\'s modification time is $mtime");
			if(! $mtime){ return false; }
			$iftime = strtotime($_SERVER[\'HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE\']);
			$this->debug(3, "The conditional get\'s if-modified-since unixtime is $iftime");
			if($iftime < 1){
				$this->debug(3, "Got an invalid conditional get modified since time. Returning false.");
				return false;
			if($iftime < $mtime){
				$this->debug(3, "File has been modified since last fetch.");
				return false;
			} else {
			  	$this->debug(3, "File has not been modified since last get, so serving a 304.");
				header ($_SERVER[\'SERVER_PROTOCOL\'] . \' 304 Not Modified\');
				$this->debug(1, "Returning 304 not modified");
				return true;
		return false;
	protected function tryServerCache(){
	  	$this->debug(3, "Trying server cache");
		  	$this->debug(3, "Cachefile {$this->cachefile} exists");
			  	$this->debug(3, "This is an external request, so checking if the cachefile is empty which means the request failed previously.");
				if(filesize($this->cachefile) < 1){
					$this->debug(3, "Found an empty cachefile indicating a failed earlier request. Checking how old it is.");
					if(time() - @filemtime($this->cachefile) > WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS){
					  	$this->debug(3, "File is older than " . WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS . " seconds. Deleting and returning false so app can try and load file.");
						return false;
					} else {
					  	$this->debug(3, "Empty cachefile is still fresh so returning message saying we had an error fetching this image from remote host.");
						$this->error("An error occured fetching image.");
						return false; 
			} else {
				$this->debug(3, "Trying to serve cachefile {$this->cachefile}");
				$this->debug(3, "Succesfully served cachefile {$this->cachefile}");
				return true;
			} else {
				$this->debug(3, "Failed to serve cachefile {$this->cachefile} - Deleting it from cache.");
				return true;
	protected function error($err){
	  	$this->debug(3, "Adding error message: $err");
		$this->errors[] = $err;
		return false;
	protected function haveErrors(){
		if(sizeof($this->errors) > 0){
			return true;
		return false;
	protected function serveErrors(){
	  header ($_SERVER[\'SERVER_PROTOCOL\'] . \' 400 Bad Request\');
		$html = \'<ul>\';
		foreach($this->errors as $err){
			$html .= \'<li>\' . htmlentities($err) . \'</li>\';
		$html .= \'</ul>\';
		echo \'<h1>A TimThumb error has occured</h1>The following error(s) occured:<br />\' . $html . \'<br />\';
		echo \'<br />Query String : \' . htmlentities ($_SERVER[\'QUERY_STRING\']);
		echo \'<br />TimThumb version : \' . VERSION . \'</pre>\';
	protected function serveInternalImage(){
	  	$this->debug(3, "Local image path is $this->localImage");
		if(! $this->localImage){
			$this->sanityFail("localImage not set after verifying it earlier in the code.");
			return false;
		$fileSize = filesize($this->localImage);
		if($fileSize > MAX_FILE_SIZE){
			$this->error("The file you specified is greater than the maximum allowed file size.");
			return false;
		if($fileSize <= 0){
			$this->error("The file you specified is <= 0 bytes.");
			return false;
		$this->debug(3, "Calling processImageAndWriteToCache() for local image.");
			return true;
		} else { 
			return false;
	protected function cleanCache(){
		$this->debug(3, "cleanCache() called");
		$lastCleanFile = $this->cacheDirectory . \'/timthumb_cacheLastCleanTime.touch\';
		if(! is_file($lastCleanFile)){
		  	$this->debug(1, "File tracking last clean doesn\'t exist. Creating $lastCleanFile");
			if (!touch($lastCleanFile)) {
				$this->error("Could not create cache clean timestamp file.");
		if(@filemtime($lastCleanFile) < (time() - FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS) ){
			$this->debug(1, "Cache was last cleaned more than " . FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS . " seconds ago. Cleaning now.");
			if (!touch($lastCleanFile)) {
				$this->error("Could not create cache clean timestamp file.");
			$files = glob($this->cacheDirectory . \'/*\' . FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX);
			if ($files) {
			  	$timeAgo = time() - FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE;
				foreach($files as $file){
				  	if(@filemtime($file) < $timeAgo){
						$this->debug(3, "Deleting cache file $file older than max age: " . FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE . " seconds");
			return true;
		} else {
			$this->debug(3, "Cache was cleaned less than " . FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS . " seconds ago so no cleaning needed.");
		return false;
	protected function processImageAndWriteToCache($localImage){
	  	$sData = getimagesize($localImage);
		$origType = $sData[2];
		$mimeType = $sData[\'mime\'];
		$this->debug(3, "Mime type of image is $mimeType");
		//进行图像mime类型验证,只允许gif , jpg 和 png
		if(! preg_match(\'/^image\\/(?:gif|jpg|jpeg|png)$/i\', $mimeType)){
			return $this->error("The image being resized is not a valid gif, jpg or png.");
		if (!function_exists (\'imagecreatetruecolor\')) {
		    return $this->error(\'GD Library Error: imagecreatetruecolor does not exist - please contact your webhost and ask them to install the GD library\');
		if (function_exists (\'imagefilter\') && defined (\'IMG_FILTER_NEGATE\')) {
		  	$imageFilters = array (
			  	1 => array (IMG_FILTER_NEGATE, 0),
				2 => array (IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE, 0),
				3 => array (IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS, 1),
				4 => array (IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST, 1),
				5 => array (IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, 4),
				6 => array (IMG_FILTER_EDGEDETECT, 0),
				7 => array (IMG_FILTER_EMBOSS, 0),
				8 => array (IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR, 0),
				9 => array (IMG_FILTER_SELECTIVE_BLUR, 0),
				10 => array (IMG_FILTER_MEAN_REMOVAL, 0),
				11 => array (IMG_FILTER_SMOOTH, 0),

		$new_width =  (int) abs ($this->param(\'w\', 0));
		$new_height = (int) abs ($this->param(\'h\', 0));
		$zoom_crop = (int) $this->param(\'zc\', DEFAULT_ZC);
		$quality = (int) abs ($this->param(\'q\', DEFAULT_Q));
		$align = $this->cropTop ? \'t\' : $this->param(\'a\', \'c\');
		//需要进行的<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong><strong>处理</strong>操作,多个过滤器用"|"分割,可选参数请参看$imageFilters处的注释,由于不同的过滤器需要的参数不同,如一个过滤器需要多个参数,多个参数用,分隔。例:1,2|3,1,1  代表对图像分别应用1和3过滤效果,1和3所对应的过滤效果是由$imageFilters数组确定的,其中1号过滤器还需要一个额外的参数,这里传了1,3号过滤器还需要2个额外的参数,这里传了1和1.
		$filters = $this->param(\'f\', DEFAULT_F);
		$sharpen = (bool) $this->param(\'s\', DEFAULT_S);
		$canvas_color = $this->param(\'cc\', DEFAULT_CC);
		$canvas_trans = (bool) $this->param(\'ct\', \'1\');

		// 如果高度和宽度都没有指定,设置他们为100*100
		if ($new_width == 0 && $new_height == 0) {
		    $new_width = 100;
		    $new_height = 100;

		// 限制最大高度和最大宽度
		$new_width = min ($new_width, MAX_WIDTH);
		$new_height = min ($new_height, MAX_HEIGHT);

		// 检测并设置php运行最大占用内存

		// 打开图像资源
		$image = $this->openImage ($mimeType, $localImage);
		if ($image === false) {
			return $this->error(\'Unable to open image.\');

		// 获得原始<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>,也就是上面打开<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>的宽和高
		$width = imagesx ($image);
		$height = imagesy ($image);
		$origin_x = 0;
		$origin_y = 0;

		// 如果新生成<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>的宽或高没有指定,则用此等比算法算出高或宽的值
		if ($new_width && !$new_height) {
			$new_height = floor ($height * ($new_width / $width));
		} else if ($new_height && !$new_width) {
			$new_width = floor ($width * ($new_height / $height));

		// 如果缩放模式选择的是3,也就是说get中zc=3或者配置文件中DEFAULT_ZC=3,则进行等比缩放,不裁剪
		if ($zoom_crop == 3) {

			$final_height = $height * ($new_width / $width);
			if ($final_height > $new_height) {
				$new_width = $width * ($new_height / $height);
			} else {
				$new_height = $final_height;


		// 利用<strong>处理</strong>完毕的长和宽创建新画布,
		$canvas = imagecreatetruecolor ($new_width, $new_height);
		imagealphablending ($canvas, false);
		if (strlen($canvas_color) == 3) { //if is 3-char notation, edit string into 6-char notation
		  	$canvas_color =  str_repeat(substr($canvas_color, 0, 1), 2) . str_repeat(substr($canvas_color, 1, 1), 2) . str_repeat(substr($canvas_color, 2, 1), 2); 
		} else if (strlen($canvas_color) != 6) {
			$canvas_color = DEFAULT_CC;
		//将上面得到的R 、G 、B 三种颜色值转换为10进制表示
		$canvas_color_R = hexdec (substr ($canvas_color, 0, 2));
		$canvas_color_G = hexdec (substr ($canvas_color, 2, 2));
		$canvas_color_B = hexdec (substr ($canvas_color, 4, 2));

		// 如果传入<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>的格式是png,并且配置文件设置png背景颜色为透明,并且在get传入了ct的值为真,那么就设置背景颜色为透明
		if(preg_match(\'/^image\\/png$/i\', $mimeType) && !PNG_IS_TRANSPARENT && $canvas_trans){ 
		  	$color = imagecolorallocatealpha ($canvas, $canvas_color_R, $canvas_color_G, $canvas_color_B, 127);
			$color = imagecolorallocatealpha ($canvas, $canvas_color_R, $canvas_color_G, $canvas_color_B, 0);

		// 使用分配的颜色填充背景
		imagefill ($canvas, 0, 0, $color);

		// 如果缩放模式选择的是2,那么画布的体积是按传入的值创建的,并计算出边框的宽度
		if ($zoom_crop == 2) {
			$final_height = $height * ($new_width / $width);
			if ($final_height > $new_height) {
			  	$origin_x = $new_width / 2;
				$new_width = $width * ($new_height / $height);
				$origin_x = round ($origin_x - ($new_width / 2));
			} else {
				$origin_y = $new_height / 2;
				$new_height = $final_height;
				$origin_y = round ($origin_y - ($new_height / 2));



		// 保存图像时保存完整的alpha信息
		imagesavealpha ($canvas, true);

		if ($zoom_crop > 0) {

		  	$src_x = $src_y = 0;
			$src_w = $width;
			$src_h = $height;

			$cmp_x = $width / $new_width;
			$cmp_y = $height / $new_height;

			if ($cmp_x > $cmp_y) {
				$src_w = round ($width / $cmp_x * $cmp_y);
				$src_x = round (($width - ($width / $cmp_x * $cmp_y)) / 2);

			} else if ($cmp_y > $cmp_x) {

				$src_h = round ($height / $cmp_y * $cmp_x);
				$src_y = round (($height - ($height / $cmp_y * $cmp_x)) / 2);


			// 根据传入参数算出裁剪的位置
			if ($align) {
				if (strpos ($align, \'t\') !== false) {
					$src_y = 0;
				if (strpos ($align, \'b\') !== false) {
					$src_y = $height - $src_h;
				if (strpos ($align, \'l\') !== false) {
					$src_x = 0;
				if (strpos ($align, \'r\') !== false) {
					$src_x = $width - $src_w;

			imagecopyresampled ($canvas, $image, $origin_x, $origin_y, $src_x, $src_y, $new_width, $new_height, $src_w, $src_h);

		} else {

			imagecopyresampled ($canvas, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);

		if ($filters != \'\' && function_exists (\'imagefilter\') && defined (\'IMG_FILTER_NEGATE\')) {
			// 分割每个过滤<strong>处理</strong>
			$filterList = explode (\'|\', $filters);
			foreach ($filterList as $fl) {
			  	$filterSettings = explode (\',\', $fl);
				if (isset ($imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]])) {
					for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i ++) {
						if (!isset ($filterSettings[$i])) {
							$filterSettings[$i] = null;
						} else {
							$filterSettings[$i] = (int) $filterSettings[$i];
					switch ($imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][1]) {

						case 1:

							imagefilter ($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1]);

						case 2:

							imagefilter ($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1], $filterSettings[2]);

						case 3:

							imagefilter ($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1], $filterSettings[2], $filterSettings[3]);

						case 4:

							imagefilter ($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0], $filterSettings[1], $filterSettings[2], $filterSettings[3], $filterSettings[4]);


							imagefilter ($canvas, $imageFilters[$filterSettings[0]][0]);


		// 如果设置了锐化值,并且系统支持锐化函数,则进行锐化操作
		if ($sharpen && function_exists (\'imageconvolution\')) {

			$sharpenMatrix = array (
					array (-1,-1,-1),
					array (-1,16,-1),
					array (-1,-1,-1),

			$divisor = 8;
			$offset = 0;

			imageconvolution ($canvas, $sharpenMatrix, $divisor, $offset);

		if ( (IMAGETYPE_PNG == $origType || IMAGETYPE_GIF == $origType) && function_exists(\'imageistruecolor\') && !imageistruecolor( $image ) && imagecolortransparent( $image ) > 0 ){
			imagetruecolortopalette( $canvas, false, imagecolorstotal( $image ) );
		$imgType = "";
		$tempfile = tempnam($this->cacheDirectory, \'timthumb_tmpimg_\');
		if(preg_match(\'/^image\\/(?:jpg|jpeg)$/i\', $mimeType)){ 
			$imgType = \'jpg\';
			imagejpeg($canvas, $tempfile, $quality); 
		} else if(preg_match(\'/^image\\/png$/i\', $mimeType)){ 
			$imgType = \'png\';
			imagepng($canvas, $tempfile, floor($quality * 0.09));
		} else if(preg_match(\'/^image\\/gif$/i\', $mimeType)){
			$imgType = \'gif\';
			imagegif($canvas, $tempfile);
		} else {
			return $this->sanityFail("Could not match mime type after verifying it previously.");
		if($imgType == \'png\' && OPTIPNG_ENABLED && OPTIPNG_PATH && @is_file(OPTIPNG_PATH)){
		  	$exec = OPTIPNG_PATH;
			$this->debug(3, "optipng\'ing $tempfile");
			$presize = filesize($tempfile);
			$out = `$exec -o1 $tempfile`;
			$aftersize = filesize($tempfile);
			$sizeDrop = $presize - $aftersize;
			if($sizeDrop > 0){
				$this->debug(1, "optipng reduced size by $sizeDrop");
			} else if($sizeDrop < 0){
				$this->debug(1, "optipng increased size! Difference was: $sizeDrop");
			} else {
				$this->debug(1, "optipng did not change image size.");
		} else if($imgType == \'png\' && PNGCRUSH_ENABLED && PNGCRUSH_PATH && @is_file(PNGCRUSH_PATH)){
		  	$exec = PNGCRUSH_PATH;
			$tempfile2 = tempnam($this->cacheDirectory, \'timthumb_tmpimg_\');
			$this->debug(3, "pngcrush\'ing $tempfile to $tempfile2");
			$out = `$exec $tempfile $tempfile2`;
			$todel = "";
			  	$sizeDrop = filesize($tempfile) - filesize($tempfile2);
				if($sizeDrop > 0){
					$this->debug(1, "pngcrush was succesful and gave a $sizeDrop byte size reduction");
					$todel = $tempfile;
					$tempfile = $tempfile2;
				} else {
					$this->debug(1, "pngcrush did not reduce file size. Difference was $sizeDrop bytes.");
					$todel = $tempfile2;
			} else {
				$this->debug(3, "pngcrush failed with output: $out");
				$todel = $tempfile2;
		$this->debug(3, "Rewriting image with security header.");
		$tempfile4 = tempnam($this->cacheDirectory, \'timthumb_tmpimg_\');
		$context = stream_context_create ();
		$fp = fopen($tempfile,\'r\',0,$context);
		//向新缓存文件写入安全头,安全头的长度应该总是$this->filePrependSecurityBlock的长度 + 6
		file_put_contents($tempfile4, $this->filePrependSecurityBlock . $imgType . \' ?\' . \'>\');
		file_put_contents($tempfile4, $fp, FILE_APPEND);
		$this->debug(3, "Locking and replacing cache file.");
		$lockFile = $this->cachefile . \'.lock\';
		$fh = fopen($lockFile, \'w\');
		if(! $fh){
			return $this->error("Could not open the lockfile for writing an image.");
		if(flock($fh, LOCK_EX)){
			rename($tempfile4, $this->cachefile);
			flock($fh, LOCK_UN);
		} else {
			return $this->error("Could not get a lock for writing.");
		$this->debug(3, "Done image replace with security header. Cleaning up and running cleanCache()");
		return true;
	protected function calcDocRoot(){
	  	$docRoot = @$_SERVER[\'DOCUMENT_ROOT\'];
		if (defined(\'LOCAL_FILE_BASE_DIRECTORY\')) {
		  	$this->debug(3, "DOCUMENT_ROOT is not set. This is probably windows. Starting search 1.");
			  	$docRoot = str_replace( \'\', \'/\', substr($_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_FILENAME\'], 0, 0-strlen($_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\'])));
				$this->debug(3, "Generated docRoot using SCRIPT_FILENAME and PHP_SELF as: $docRoot");
		  	$this->debug(3, "DOCUMENT_ROOT still is not set. Starting search 2.");
			  	$docRoot = str_replace( \'\', \'/\', substr(str_replace(\'\', \'\', $_SERVER[\'PATH_TRANSLATED\']), 0, 0-strlen($_SERVER[\'PHP_SELF\'])));
				$this->debug(3, "Generated docRoot using PATH_TRANSLATED and PHP_SELF as: $docRoot");
		//如果文档根目录不是服务器根目录,则去掉最后一个 \'/\'
		if($docRoot && $_SERVER[\'DOCUMENT_ROOT\'] != \'/\'){ $docRoot = preg_replace(\'/\\/$/\', \'\', $docRoot); }
		$this->debug(3, "Doc root is: " . $docRoot);
		$this->docRoot = $docRoot;


	protected function getLocalImagePath($src){
	  	//去掉开头的 / 
	 	 $src = ltrim($src, \'/\');
		 if(! $this->docRoot){
			$this->debug(3, "We have no document root set, so as a last resort, lets check if the image is in the current dir and serve that.");
			$file = preg_replace(\'/^.*?([^\\/\\]+)$/\', \'$1\', $src); 
				return $this->realpath($file);
			return $this->error("Could not find your website document root and the file specified doesn\'t exist in timthumbs directory. We don\'t support serving files outside timthumb\'s directory without a document root for security reasons.");

		 if(file_exists ($this->docRoot . \'/\' . $src)) {
		   	$this->debug(3, "Found file as " . $this->docRoot . \'/\' . $src);
			$real = $this->realpath($this->docRoot . \'/\' . $src);
			if(stripos($real, $this->docRoot) === 0){
				return $real;
			} else {
				$this->debug(1, "Security block: The file specified occurs outside the document root.");

		 $absolute = $this->realpath(\'/\' . $src);
		 if($absolute && file_exists($absolute)){
		   	$this->debug(3, "Found absolute path: $absolute");
			if(! $this->docRoot){ $this->sanityFail("docRoot not set when checking absolute path."); }
			if(stripos($absolute, $this->docRoot) === 0){
				return $absolute;
			} else {
				$this->debug(1, "Security block: The file specified occurs outside the document root.");

		$base = $this->docRoot;
		// 获取查询子目录列表
		if (strstr($_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_FILENAME\'],\':\')) {
			$sub_directories = explode(\'\', str_replace($this->docRoot, \'\', $_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_FILENAME\']));
		} else {
			$sub_directories = explode(\'/\', str_replace($this->docRoot, \'\', $_SERVER[\'SCRIPT_FILENAME\']));
		foreach ($sub_directories as $sub){
		  	$base .= $sub . \'/\';
			$this->debug(3, "Trying file as: " . $base . $src);
			if(file_exists($base . $src)){
			  	$this->debug(3, "Found file as: " . $base . $src);
				$real = $this->realpath($base . $src);
				if(stripos($real, $this->realpath($this->docRoot)) === 0){
					return $real;
				} else {
					$this->debug(1, "Security block: The file specified occurs outside the document root.");
		return false;
	protected function realpath($path){
		$remove_relatives = \'/\\w+\\/\\.\\.\\//\';
		    $path = preg_replace($remove_relatives, \'\', $path);
		return preg_match(\'#^\\.\\./|/\\.\\./#\', $path) ? realpath($path) : $path;
	protected function toDelete($name){
	  	$this->debug(3, "Scheduling file $name to delete on destruct.");
		$this->toDeletes[] = $name;
	protected function serveWebshot(){
	  	$this->debug(3, "Starting serveWebshot");
		$instr = "Please follow the instructions at http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/ to set your server up for taking website screenshots.";
		if(! is_file(WEBSHOT_CUTYCAPT)){
			return $this->error("CutyCapt is not installed. $instr");
		if(! is_file(WEBSHOT_XVFB)){
			return $this->Error("Xvfb is not installed. $instr");
		$screenX = WEBSHOT_SCREEN_X;
		$screenY = WEBSHOT_SCREEN_Y;
		$timeout = WEBSHOT_TIMEOUT * 1000;
		$jsOn = WEBSHOT_JAVASCRIPT_ON ? \'on\' : \'off\';
		$javaOn = WEBSHOT_JAVA_ON ? \'on\' : \'off\';
		$pluginsOn = WEBSHOT_PLUGINS_ON ? \'on\' : \'off\';
		$proxy = WEBSHOT_PROXY ? \' --http-proxy=\' . WEBSHOT_PROXY : \'\';
		$tempfile = tempnam($this->cacheDirectory, \'timthumb_webshot\');
		$url = $this->src;
		if(! preg_match(\'/^https?:\\/\\/[a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-]+/i\', $url)){
			return $this->error("Invalid URL supplied.");
		$url = preg_replace(\'/[^A-Za-z0-9\\-\\.\\_\\~:\\/\\?\\#\\[\\]\\@\\!\\$\\&\'\\(\\)\\*\\+\\,\\;\\=]+/\', \'\', $url);
			$command = "$cuty $proxy --max-wait=$timeout --user-agent="$ua" --javascript=$jsOn --java=$javaOn --plugins=$pluginsOn --js-can-open-windows=off --url="$url" --out-format=$format --out=$tempfile";
		} else {
			$command = "$xv --server-args="-screen 0, {$screenX}x{$screenY}x{$colDepth}" $cuty $proxy --max-wait=$timeout --user-agent="$ua" --javascript=$jsOn --java=$javaOn --plugins=$pluginsOn --js-can-open-windows=off --url="$url" --out-format=$format --out=$tempfile";
		$this->debug(3, "Executing command: $command");
		$out = `$command`;
		$this->debug(3, "Received output: $out");
		if(! is_file($tempfile)){
			return $this->error("The command to create a thumbnail failed.");
		$this->cropTop = true;
		  	$this->debug(3, "Image processed succesfully. Serving from cache");
			return $this->serveCacheFile();
		} else {
			return false;
	protected function serveExternalImage(){
		if(! preg_match(\'/^https?:\\/\\/[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+/i\', $this->src)){
			$this->error("Invalid URL supplied.");
			return false;
		$tempfile = tempnam($this->cacheDirectory, \'timthumb\');
		$this->debug(3, "Fetching external image into temporary file $tempfile");
		if(! $this->getURL($this->src, $tempfile)){
			$this->debug(3, "Error fetching URL: " . $this->lastURLError);
			$this->error("Error reading the URL you specified from remote host." . $this->lastURLError);
			return false;
		$mimeType = $this->getMimeType($tempfile);
		if(! preg_match("/^image\\/(?:jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$/i", $mimeType)){
		  	$this->debug(3, "Remote file has invalid mime type: $mimeType");
			$this->error("The remote file is not a valid image.");
			return false;
		  	$this->debug(3, "Image processed succesfully. Serving from cache");
			return $this->serveCacheFile();
		} else {
			return false;
	public static function curlWrite($h, $d){
	  	fwrite(self::$curlFH, $d);
		self::$curlDataWritten += strlen($d);
		if(self::$curlDataWritten > MAX_FILE_SIZE){
		  	return 0;
		} else {
			return strlen($d);
	protected function serveCacheFile(){
	  	$this->debug(3, "Serving {$this->cachefile}");
		if(! is_file($this->cachefile)){
		  	$this->error("serveCacheFile called in timthumb but we couldn\'t find the cached file.");
			return false;
		$fp = fopen($this->cachefile, \'rb\');
		if(! $fp){ return $this->error("Could not open cachefile."); }
		fseek($fp, strlen($this->filePrependSecurityBlock), SEEK_SET);
		$imgType = fread($fp, 3);
		fseek($fp, 3, SEEK_CUR);
		if(ftell($fp) != strlen($this->filePrependSecurityBlock) + 6){
			return $this->error("The cached image file seems to be corrupt.");
		//缓存<strong><strong>图片</strong></strong>的实际大小应该是文件大小 - 安全头大小
		$imageDataSize = filesize($this->cachefile) - (strlen($this->filePrependSecurityBlock) + 6);
		$this->sendImageHeaders($imgType, $imageDataSize);
		$bytesSent = @fpassthru($fp);
		if($bytesSent > 0){
			return true;
		$content = file_get_contents ($this->cachefile);
		if ($content != FALSE) {
		  	$content = substr($content, strlen($this->filePrependSecurityBlock) + 6);
			echo $content;
			$this->debug(3, "Served using file_get_contents and echo");
			return true;
		} else {
			$this->error("Cache file could not be loaded.");
			return false;
	protected function sendImageHeaders($mimeType, $dataSize){
		if(! preg_match(\'/^image\\//i\', $mimeType)){
			$mimeType = \'image/\' . $mimeType;
		if(strtolower($mimeType) == \'image/jpg\'){
			$mimeType = \'image/jpeg\';
		$gmdate_expires = gmdate (\'D, d M Y H:i:s\', strtotime (\'now +10 days\')) . \' GMT\';
		$gmdate_modified = gmdate (\'D, d M Y H:i:s\') . \' GMT\';
		// 设置HTTP头
		header (\'Content-Type: \' . $mimeType);
		header (\'Accept-Ranges: none\'); 
		header (\'Last-Modified: \' . $gmdate_modified);
		header (\'Content-Length: \' . $dataSize);
			$this->debug(3, "Browser cache is disabled so setting non-caching headers.");
			header(\'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0\');
			header("Pragma: no-cache");
			header(\'Expires: \' . gmdate (\'D, d M Y H:i:s\', time()));
		} else {
			$this->debug(3, "Browser caching is enabled");
			header(\'Cache-Control: max-age=\' . BROWSER_CACHE_MAX_AGE . \', must-revalidate\');
			header(\'Expires: \' . $gmdate_expires);
		return true;
	protected function securityChecks(){
	protected function param($property, $default = \'\'){
		if (isset ($_GET[$property])) {
		  	return $_GET[$property];
		} else {
			return $default;
	protected function openImage($mimeType, $src){
		switch ($mimeType) {
			case \'image/jpeg\':
				$image = imagecreatefromjpeg ($src);

			case \'image/png\':
				$image = imagecreatefrompng ($src);

			case \'image/gif\':
				$image = imagecreatefromgif ($src);
				$this->error("Unrecognised mimeType");
		return $image;
	protected function getIP(){
		$rem = @$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
		$ci = @$_SERVER["HTTP_CLIENT_IP"];
		if(preg_match(\'/^(?:192\\.168|172\\.16|10\\.|127\\.)/\', $rem)){ 
			if($ff){ return $ff; }
			if($ci){ return $ci; }
			return $rem;
		} else {
			if($rem){ return $rem; }
			if($ff){ return $ff; }
			if($ci){ return $ci; }
			return "UNKNOWN";
	protected function debug($level, $msg){
	  	if(DEBUG_ON && $level <= DEBUG_LEVEL){
		  	$execTime = sprintf(\'%.6f\', microtime(true) - $this->startTime);
			$tick = sprintf(\'%.6f\', 0);
			if($this->lastBenchTime > 0){
				$tick = sprintf(\'%.6f\', microtime(true) - $this->lastBenchTime);
			$this->lastBenchTime = microtime(true);
			error_log("TimThumb Debug line " . __LINE__ . " [$execTime : $tick]: $msg");
	protected function sanityFail($msg){
		return $this->error("There is a problem in the timthumb code. Message: Please report this error at <a href=\'http://code.google.com/p/timthumb/issues/list\'>timthumb\'s bug tracking page</a>: $msg");
	protected function getMimeType($file){
	  	$info = getimagesize($file);
		if(is_array($info) && $info[\'mime\']){
			return $info[\'mime\'];
		return \'\';
	protected function setMemoryLimit(){
	  	$inimem = ini_get(\'memory_limit\');
		$inibytes = timthumb::returnBytes($inimem);
		$ourbytes = timthumb::returnBytes(MEMORY_LIMIT);
		if($inibytes < $ourbytes){
		  	ini_set (\'memory_limit\', MEMORY_LIMIT);
			$this->debug(3, "Increased memory from $inimem to " . MEMORY_LIMIT);
		} else {
			$this->debug(3, "Not adjusting memory size because the current setting is " . $inimem . " and our size of " . MEMORY_LIMIT . " is smaller.");
	/*此函数将G, KB, MB 转为B(字节)*/
	protected static function returnBytes($size_str){
		switch (substr ($size_str, -1))
			case \'M\': case \'m\': return (int)$size_str * 1048576;
			case \'K\': case \'k\': return (int)$size_str * 1024;
			case \'G\': case \'g\': return (int)$size_str * 1073741824;
			default: return $size_str;
	protected function getURL($url, $tempfile){
	  	$this->lastURLError = false;
		$url = preg_replace(\'/ /\', \'%20\', $url);
		  	$this->debug(3, "Curl is installed so using it to fetch URL.");
			self::$curlFH = fopen($tempfile, \'w\');
			if(! self::$curlFH){
				$this->error("Could not open $tempfile for writing.");
				return false;
			self::$curlDataWritten = 0;
			$this->debug(3, "Fetching url with curl: $url");
			$curl = curl_init($url);
			curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, CURL_TIMEOUT);
			curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/12.0.742.122 Safari/534.30");
			curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
			curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
			curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
			curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, \'timthumb::curlWrite\');
			@curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
			@curl_setopt ($curl, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10);
			$curlResult = curl_exec($curl);
			$httpStatus = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
			if($httpStatus == 404){
				return true;
			} else {
			  	$this->lastURLError = curl_error($curl);
				return false;
		} else {
		  	$img = @file_get_contents ($url);
			if($img === false){
			  	$err = error_get_last();
				if(is_array($err) && $err[\'message\']){
				  	$this->lastURLError = $err[\'message\'];
				} else {
					$this->lastURLError = $err;
				if(preg_match(\'/404/\', $this->lastURLError)){
				return false;
			if(! file_put_contents($tempfile, $img)){
				$this->error("Could not write to $tempfile.");
				return false;
			return true;

	protected function serveImg($file){
	  	$s = getimagesize($file);
		if(! ($s && $s[\'mime\'])){
			return false;
		header (\'Content-Type: \' . $s[\'mime\']);
		header (\'Content-Length: \' . filesize($file) );
		header (\'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0\');
		header ("Pragma: no-cache");
		$bytes = @readfile($file);
		if($bytes > 0){
			return true;
		$content = @file_get_contents ($file);
		if ($content != FALSE){
			echo $content;
			return true;
		return false;
	/*此函数设置404 错误码*/
	protected function set404(){
		$this->is404 = true;
	protected function is404(){
		return $this->is404;


1 对 “timthumb的“Could not create the file cache directory”错误解决方案”的想法;
