根据微软方面消息~微软Visual Studio程序员成就系统项目已经完成开发,



成就插件下载地址:入口(?) —— 制造项目间的循环依赖

The Multitasker – Have more than 50 source files open at the same time

多任务并行大师 —— 同时打开50个以上的源文件

The Code Keeper – Uninstalled Resharper because it made you redundant

代码守护者 —— 卸载Resharper因为它能让你变得多余

Pasta Chef – Created a class with more than 100 fields, properties or methods

通心粉大厨 —— 创建包含100个以让的域、属性或方法的类

Procedural Programmer – Created a method with more than 10 out parameters

过程式程序员 —— 创建包含10个以上out参数的方法

Steam Powered – Added Visual Studio as a Steam game

蒸汽驱动 —— 把Visual Studio加进了Steam作为游戏

The Poet – Written a source file with more than 10,000 lines

诗人 —— 创建多于10,000行代码的源文件

The Enterprise – Build Solution took more than 10 minutes

企业 —— 生成解决方案需要10分钟以上

Highway to Hell – Successfully created a WCF service

地狱高速公路 —— 成功创建WCF服务

The Explainer – Written a comment with more than 100 words

阐释大师 —— 写一个100个单词以上的注释

TPS Reports – Created a Crystal Reports Project

TPS报告 —— 创建一个Crystal Reports项目

Rage Quit – ALT+F4 after a failed bug fix

愤然退场 —— 修正BUG失败后Alt-F4关闭

Ooooh Shiny – Written 100 extensions methods

哎呦喂真好玩嘿 —— 写100个扩展方法

Look Ma – Written an infinite Fibonacci generator using yield

妈咪妈咪快看我 —— 用yield写一个无限长菲波那契数列生成器

The Engineer – Killed a zombie with The Wrench

末日工程师 —— 用扳手干掉僵尸

The Architect – Created 25 Interfaces in a single project

系统架构大师 —— 在一个项目中创建25个接口

The Right Way – Test method is longer than the tested method

正确路线 —— 测试方法比被测试的方法还要长

The Defender – Checked every argument for null exceptions

防御控 —— 对每个参数检查null异常

Pokemon Programming – Caught all the exceptions

口袋妖怪编程法 —— 捕获所有异常

Black Magic – Implemented a RealProxy

黑暗魔法 —— 实现RealProxy

Gimme back my ASM – Used ILGenerator

我要我的汇编器 —— 使用ILGenerator

I’m Sorry – Created a new Visual Basic Project

我为你而感伤 —— 新建Visual Basic项目

The SEO Expert – ASP.NET MVC Routing table with more than 100 routes

专业SEO —— ASP.NET MVC路由表包含100个以上的路由

The Matrix – Windows Forms with more than 100 controls

母体矩阵 —— Windows窗体包含100个以上的控件

The Daredevil – UpdatePanels nested more than 3 layers deep

超胆侠 —— UpdatePanels嵌套三层以上

Just a Test – Nested multiline C-style comments that caused a compilation error

小小测试 —— 嵌套多行C风格注释导致编译错误

Warm Bath – Successfully consumed a non .NET SOAP web service

温水浴 —— 成功调用非.NET的SOAP Web服务

Old School – Defined more than 100 static objects

老派 —— 定义100个以上的静态对象

The Cloner – Copy-pasted more than 50 lines

复制者 —— 拷贝粘贴50行以上代码

The Dependency – Referenced more than 30 projects

依赖控 —— 引用30个以上项目

Paying the bills – Imported a Visual Basic project

糊口谋生 —— 导入Visual Basic项目

First Hit – Included a Codeproject.com library into your project and it actually compiled

手气不错 —— 在项目中包含一个Codeproject.com的库,还真能够编译通过

Paula – Define a firstname field with value Brillant

Paula —— 用自己名字定一个变量并赋值为 Brilliant

Every Option Considered – Created an enum with more than 30 values

思虑绵密 —— 创建30个以上项目的枚举